Below are fixtures for all ladies competitions
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
14 hole Greensomes Medal, men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 40% of the higher Winter Course Handicap plus 60% of the lower Winter Course Handicap. ClubV1 will automatically adjust the final handicap for the shorter course.
Each player tees off as normal and the best tee shot is then selected and alternate shot is played until the completion of the hole.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and post your completed and signed card in the Comps box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Geoff Bryan
This week's 14 hole competition will be a Fun Competition - Texas Scramble (teams of 3)
All tee off, choose best drive and all 3 players to take next shot from this position. And so on, choosing the best ball for each shot until ball is holed. At least 3 drives per person should be taken. Record the gross score for each hole.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals (as a team) before commencing your round for entry to the competition. ClubV1 will automatically calculate your team 18 hole Playing Handicap - please make a note of this when signing in and record on your team's card.
NO NEED TO ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round. It would help if you can deduct 7/9 of your team's 18 hole Playing Handicap (rounded to the nearest whole shot) from your 14 hole gross score and post your completed and signed card in the Ladies Comps box. You are signing for your gross scores only and the Comps team will check or calculate any missing handicap deductions.
There will also be a concurrent 8 hole NQ stableford available for those ladies not playing 14 holes (usual rules apply)
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
14 hole Yellow ball AMAM (team of 4) stableford, men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees.
Best 2 stableford scores to count on each hole, 1 of which must be the designated yellow ball player. Yellow ball players are player 1 on hole 1, player 2 on hole 2, player 3 on hole 3, player 4 on hole 4, player 1 on hole 5....etc.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 85 % of the Winter Course Handicap.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil James
This week's competitions are a 14 hole Stableford NQ and a concurrent 8 hole stableford NQ competition.
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Name, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap and signatures of player & marker). Then enter scores onto clubv1 and place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
18 hole American Greensomes Medal, men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees.
Both players tee off then play a shot using partners ball. Select the best 2nd shot then play alternate shots.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition. ClubV1 will automatically calculate your Playing Handicap (which is 60% of lowest Course Handicap plus 40% of highest Course Handicap - subject to an adjustment for ladies to reflect the higher course rating from ladies red tees - i.e. complicated!).
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Jayne Barrs
This week's 14 hole competition will be a Fun Competition - "Yellow" ball (teams of 3)
Any 2 players to count on each hole. Player 1 has the nominal "yellow" ball on hole 1 and score counts double for that hole, player 2 counts double with "yellow" ball on hole 2 etc. Actual yellow ball not required!
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap for each player
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop - for charging for competition only. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Names, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap for each player and signatures of player & marker). Score entry in the computer is not required, just place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
There will also be a concurrent 8 hole NQ stableford available for those ladies not playing 14 holes (usual rules apply)
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
18 hole Texas Scramble Medal, men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 25%/20%/15%/10% of the Winter Course Handicaps ranging from 25% of the lowest handicap to 10% of the highest handicap.
Each player in the team tees off as normal and the best of these shots is then chosen to be used for the next shot. Each member of the team hits their shot from that spot and this process continues until the hole is played out.
Each player should take at least 4 drives. Mark the score for the hole in the column of the player whose tee shot was used.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Stuart Newland
This week's competitions are a 14 hole Stableford NQ and a concurrent 8 hole stableford NQ competition.
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Name, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap and signatures of player & marker). Then enter scores onto clubv1 and place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
4BBB stableford (pairs) men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees.
Best stableford score to count on each hole.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 85 % of the Winter Course Handicap.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil Hudson
This week's competition will be a shotgun start, followed by prize giving lunch.
Format tbc matchplay Lady Captain's team v's Committee team
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
18 hole Ryder Cup Pairs, men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees.
Holes 1 to 6 played as a better ball, holes 7 to 13 played as foursomes, holes 14 to 18 played as both to count.
Better ball playing handicap (strokes received) = 85% of the Winter course handicap.
Foursomes playing handicap (strokes received) = 60% of the lower Winter course handicap plus 40% of the higher Winter course handicap.
Singles playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of the Winter course handicap.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
Post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Geoff Bryan
This week's competition is an 18 hole AM-AM. Teams of 4, best 2 Stableford scores to count on each hole
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 85% of course handicap
Sign in to the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop - for charging for competition only. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (names, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap for each player and signatures of player & marker). Score entry in the computer is not required, just place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox
There will a concurrent 9 hole stableford available for Ladies not playing 18 holes (usual rules apply)
Please note that the following Winter Local Rules are currently in force. See Latest News on the members website HERE for details.
Preferred Lies (when putting on closely mown areas)
Mats Everywhere, except on teeing area of hole being played where a driver is used. Mats may not be used in penalty areas or when using a putter.
18 hole singles stableford, men playing from the Yellow Winter tees, Ladies playing from the Red Winter tees. Shots taken using the 18 hole scorecard.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95 % of the Winter Course Handicap.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil James
This week's competitions are an 18 hole Stableford and a concurrent 9 hole stableford competition.
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Name, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap and signatures of player & marker). Then enter scores onto clubv1 and place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
Upcoming weekend competition: Saturday 5th April is a Ladies Weekend Running Comp Stableford
This week's competitions are an 18 hole Stableford and a concurrent 9 hole stableford competition.
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Name, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap and signatures of player & marker). Then enter scores onto clubv1 and place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
Upcoming weekend competition: Saturday 12th April - choice of either Alternate Day Lady President's bowl or a Ladies Weekend Running Comp Stableford
This week's 18 hole Stableford competition is for the Lady President's Bowl, presented by Mrs F Mitchell in 1952. Upper Handicap limit of 30 for the bowl only, with winner being best net score regardless of division subject to handicap limit.
There is also a concurrent 9 hole stableford competition.
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Name, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap and signatures of player & marker). Then enter scores onto clubv1 and place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
Upcoming weekend competition: Saturday 19th April - choice of either Alternate Day Barnsdale Stableford Q or Ladies Weekend Running Comp Stableford
18 Hole Non-Qualifying Bogey - ie matchplay against the course using the index of the hole to determine where shots are taken, i.e. assume the course is a scratch player. Record gross score and whether you win ('+'), halve ('0') or lose ("-") each hole then add up the total.
Prizes for the overall men's trophy winner (subject to a maximum Playing Handicap of 22) and the top 3 in each division excluding the overall winner (no handicap limit applies, but also subject to having played 3 qualifying comps in the last 12 months). Prizes will be presented just before the President's Dinner at around 6.45pm. Prize winners are requested to attend wherever possible, even if not attending the dinner.
Men play off white tees, ladies off red tees. Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95% of Course Handicap
Sign in online or via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition and the optional two's sweep.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE or via the clubhouse terminals on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box, by 6.30pm latest
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil Hudson
This week's 18 hole competition is a Stableford competition, with concurrent entry into Barnsdale qualifying for best 16 scores. No upper limit for results on the day, but an upper Handicap index limit of 30 for subsequent matchplay. Entry fee is standard £2.50 for the Stableford competition and £4.00 for the knockout cup. Please mark clearly on your scorecard if you are entering the Barnsdale
There is also a concurrent 9 hole stableford competition.
Playing handicap (strokes received) = 95% of course handicap
Please sign into the comp via clubv1 or at the proshop. Ensure your card has been completed correctly (Name, date, handicap index, course and playing handicap and signatures of player & marker). Then enter scores onto clubv1 and place scorecard into the Ladies letterbox.
Upcoming weekend competition: Saturday 26h April - choice of either Alternate Day Spring Meeting or Ladies Weekend Running Comp Stableford
18 hole Mixed Medal with men playing from the white tees and ladies from the red tees.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95% of Course Handicap.
Sign in online or via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition and the optional two's sweep.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE or via the clubhouse terminals on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Geoff Bryan
4BBB stableford (pairs) men playing from the White tees, Ladies playing from the Red tees.
This competition is also being used to optionally enter the Ping Mixed qualifier. To qualify for the Ping competition the pair must be 1 man and 1 lady. This incurs an extra charge of £2.50 each.
Best stableford score to count on each hole.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 85 % of the Winter Course Handicap.
Sign in via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Jayne Barrs
18 hole Mixed Medal with men playing from the white tees and ladies from the red tees.
As an Honours Board trophy, a Playing Handicap Limit of 22 for men and 30 for ladies applies to the trophy winner only.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95% of Course Handicap.
Sign in online or via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE or via the clubhouse terminals on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil James
18 hole Mixed Stableford with men playing from the white tees and ladies from the red tees.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95% of Course Handicap.
Sign in online or via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE or via the clubhouse terminals on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil James
18 hole Mixed Medal with men playing from the white tees and ladies from the red tees.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95% of Course Handicap.
Sign in online or via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition and the optional two's sweep.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE or via the clubhouse terminals on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil James
18 hole Mixed Stableford with men playing from the white tees and ladies from the red tees.
As an Honours Board trophy, a Playing Handicap Limit of 22 for men and 30 for ladies applies to the trophy winner only.
Playing Handicap (strokes received) = 95% of Course Handicap.
Sign in online or via the clubhouse terminals before commencing your round for entry to the competition and the optional two's sweep.
ENTER SCORES ONLINE or via the clubhouse terminals on completion of your round and then post your completed and signed card in the Comps post box.
The Competition Manager for this fixture is Phil James